Options and Arguments#

It is important to tweak parameter and arguments. Usually the defaults are fine but changing resolution and MT trimming percentage can affect the results.

Cellsnake generates different directories for these main parameters so you can check their effects on the results.

If you decide a value, you can delete the unnecessary directories and keep the others for integration or later use.

For example, if you run cellsnake with the following parameters:

#data here is a directory with your input files, there can be multiple directories, symlinks are allowed.
#this command will generate results under folder: results/sample_name/percent_mt~5/resolution~0.6/.
cellsnake minimal data --percent_mt 5 --resolution 0.6


Cellsnake has 5 modes: minimal, standard, advanced, integration and clustree.

Cellsnake modes#




Dimension reduction plots, QC metrics, technical plots (MT, counts, gene, feature), clustree plot


All minimal outputs and CellTypist, singleR annotations, enrichment analyses tables, trajectory plots, summarized marker plots


All standard outputs and CellChat results, detailed top markers per cluster plots


Clustree plot and basic QC plots


A single integrated object for integrated analysis

Full parameter list#

    cellsnake <command> <INPUT> [options] [--unlock|--remove] [--dry]
    cellsnake integrated <command> <INPUT> [options] [--unlock|--remove] [--dry]
    cellsnake --generate-template
    cellsnake --install-packages
    cellsnake (-h | --help)
    cellsnake --version

    minimal                                Run cellsnake with minimal workflow.
    standard                               Run cellsnake with standard workflow.
    advanced                               Run cellsnake with advanced workflow.
    clustree                               Run cellsnake with clustree workflow.
    integrate                              Run cellsnake to integrate samples under analyses folder.
                                        This option expects you have already finished processing multiple samples.

main arguments:
    INPUT                                  Input directory or a file to process (if a directory given, batch mode is ON).
    --configfile <text>                    Config file name in YAML format, for example, "config.yaml". No default but can be created with --generate-template.
    --metadata <text>                      Metadata file name in CSV, TSV or Excel format, for example, "metadata.csv", header required, first column sample name. No default but can be created with --generate-template.
    --metadata_column <text>               Metadata column for differential expression analysis [default: condition].

other arguments:
    --gene <gene or filename>              Create publication ready plots for a gene or a list of genes from a text file.

main options:
    --percent_mt <double>                  Maximum mitochondrial gene percentage cutoff,
                                        for example, 5 or 10, write "auto" for auto detection [default: 10].
    --resolution <double>                  Resolution for cluster detection, write "auto" for auto detection [default: 0.8].

other options:
    --doublet_filter <bool>                [default: True] #this may fail on some samples
    --percent_rp <double>                  [default: 0] #Ribosomal genes minimum percentage (0-100), default no filtering
    --min_cells <integer>                  [default: 3] #seurat default, recommended
    --min_features <integer>               [default: 200] #seurat default, recommended, nFeature_RNA
    --max_features <integer>               [default: Inf] #seurat default, nFeature_RNA, 5000 can be a good cutoff
    --min_molecules <integer>              [default: 0] #seurat default, nCount_RNA, min_features usually handles this so keep it 0
    --max_molecules <integer>              [default: Inf] #seurat default, nCount_RNA, to filter potential doublets, doublet filtering is already default, so keep this Inf
    --highly_variable_features <integer>   [default: 2000] #seurat defaults, recommended
    --variable_selection_method <text>     [default: vst] #seurat defaults, recommended

    --normalization_method <text>          [default: LogNormalize]
    --scale_factor <integer>               [default: 10000]
    --logfc_threshold <double>             [default: 0.25]
    --test_use <text>                      [default: wilcox]

    --mapping <text>                       [default: org.Hs.eg.db] #you may install others from Bioconductor, this is for human
    --organism <text>                      [default: hsa] #alternatives https://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html
    --species <text>                       [default: human] for cellchat, #only human or mouse is accepted

plotting parameters:
    --min_percentage_to_plot <double>        [default: 2] #only show clusters more than % of cells on the legend
    --show_labels <bool>                     [default: True] #
    --marker_plots_per_cluster_n <integer>   [default: 20] #plot summary marker plots for top markers
    --umap_markers_plot <bool>               [default: True]
    --tsne_markers_plot <bool>               [default: False]

annotation options:
    --singler_ref <text>                    [default: BlueprintEncodeData] # https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/experiment/vignettes/celldex/inst/doc/userguide.html#1_Overview
    --celltypist_model <text>               [default: Immune_All_Low.pkl] #refer to Celltypist for another model

microbiome options:
    --kraken_db_folder <text>              No default, you need to provide a folder with kraken2 database
    --taxa <text>                          [default: genus] # available options "domain", "kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "species"
    --microbiome_min_cells <integer>       [default: 1]
    --microbiome_min_features <integer>    [default: 3]
    --confidence <double>                  [default: 0.05] #see kraken2 manual
    --min_hit_groups <integer>             [default: 4] #see kraken2 manual

integration options:
    --dims <integer>                       [default: 30] #refer to Seurat for more details
    --reduction <text>                     [default: cca] #refer to Seurat for more details

    --generate-template                    Generate config file template and metadata template in the current directory.
    --install-packages                     Install, reinstall or check required R packages.
    -j <integer>, --jobs <integer>         Total CPUs. [default: 2]
    -u, --unlock                           Rescue stalled jobs (Try this if the previous job ended prematurely or currently failing).
    -r, --remove                           Delete all output files (this won't affect input files).
    -d, --dry                              Dry run, nothing will be generated.
    -h, --help                             Show this screen.
    --version                              Show version.